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Service Lines


Collaborate Success, Inc. offers three service lines all geared towards one major goal that can be summed up in our mission statement:  


”To unite people for the quest of an utterly worthwhile cause

that will bring substantial value, progress, and growth to those affected.”


Valuable outcomes in our different service lines manifest as

healthy families, productive and well prepared future citizens,

vibrant inspiring schools and thriving business environments that

lead to sustainable outcomes.  

Court Ordered Domestic  Mediation, Domestic Conciliation and Parent Coordination


Providing families the tools to move from the conflict cycle to peaceful solutions outside of the court room. Our success rate for reaching full agreements in Phase I averages over 90%. We offer tools such as Co-Parenting Support and Parent Coordination to successfully live within these agreements and maintain a sustainable outcome.

We offer a full spectrum of services designed to help families, future families and divided families live a productive life with minimum stress and conflict.

Based on our work with divorcing and divorced couples as well as our own journey, we have designed education and coaching to support the formation of healthy marriages and the transformation of those marriages that desire growth and shared purpose.

Parent Coordination,       
Co-Parent Coaching, Marital and Pre-Marital Coaching
School District,
Educator &
Parent Training

A full range of Love & Logic® and Co-Parenting based trainings and coaching services are geared towards raising responsible, productive and caring young citizens that will succeed and prosper in today's life challenges and opportunities while increasing joy and satisfaction for school administration, teachers and parents.


Specialized Awareness and Skill Training on Co-Parenting and Blended Families is available to School Districts.

Service Line Videos
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