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Marital & Pre-Marital  Programs and Coaching

  • Pre-Marital Education and Coaching with focus on the creation of healthy, committed alive marriages and families that build fertile ground for healthy children.
  • Marital Education and Coaching with focus on transforming the common marriage relationship into a partnership of joy, aliveness, shared mission, and deepest union and friendship of the soul.

Parent Education & Coaching

  • Love and Logic® based workshops
  • Custom tailored Parent Coaching focused on raising healthy, responsible children while experiencing joy and preserving authority as (a) parent(s)

Domestic Mediation Services*

  • Married Couples' Conflict Resolution
  • Couples Divorcing with Low Conflict
  • Co-Parenting Mediation for parents in separate households
Domestic Mediation may be voluntary or Court ordered.

Co-Parenting Services

  • Domestic Conciliation* for separated and divorced co-parents (court ordered)
  • Parenting Support for one or both co-parents
  • Parent Coordination Services* for children with separated or divorced co-parents (court ordered)
       Download our free       
       Alternative Dispute
       Resolution (ADR)
       brochure for more
Co-Parenting Classes​
  • Collaborative          Co-Parenting Classes for Butler, Elk and Greenwood Counties (see calendar for dates)​
Developed by Collaborative Success, Inc. and taught by
Bridget Schneider, BA and Marya McCrae.  Our free flyer is available below:


  • Kids First Workshops - Sedgwick County Court based Education (see calendar for dates)​
Melissa Meyer, MA from Collaborative Success, Inc. and Mika Gross, MA from The Parent's Place jointly
developed and exclusively teach the Sedgwick County Court-based program to 
divorcing co-parents.  
"Knowing that
we can be loved
exactly as we are
gives us all
the best opportunity
for growing into
the healthiest
of people."

Fred Rogers

"Children are not casual guests in our home.
They have been loaned to us temporarily
for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values
on which their future
will be built."
Dr. James Dobson
"Once you
choose  HOPE,
Anything is Possible."
Christopher Reeve
"The attitude
that you have as a parent
is what children will learn from, more than what you tell them.
They don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are."
Jim Hensen
" Children
are educated
by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.”

Carl Jung


*Our Mediators, Domestic Conciliators and Parent Coordinators are Kansas Supreme Court Certified

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